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How To Handle High Cortisol Symptoms

High cortisol levels, often associated with chronic stress, can lead to various symptoms affecting physical and mental well-being. While cortisol is a hormone crucial for managing stress responses, prolonged elevation can cause adverse effects. Here are ways to handle and alleviate symptoms of high cortisol levels: Stress Management Techniques: Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness techniques, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. These methods help promote relaxation and alleviate stress symptoms. Yoga or Tai Chi: Engage in gentle exercises like yoga or tai chi, which combine movement with mindfulness, promoting relaxation and stress reduction. Regular Exercise: Aerobic Exercise: Regular aerobic activities like walking, running, or cycling can help reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. Exercise aids in releasing endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress. Strength Training: Incorporate strength training exer

What Is Well-being: A Guide On How To Measure And Improve It


 Well-being is a term commonly used in the psychological literature to describe healthy people. It is often associated with contentment, happiness, or fulfillment. However, there is debate about what well-being really is and even how to spell it.[1] With so much confusion surrounding the definition, people often wonder what wellness is and how to achieve it. read more. webcomputerworld

What is wellness?

Well-being involves a combination of emotional states and lifestyle factors. Associated emotional states may include happiness and contentment. Lifestyle factors can include feelings of accomplishment, reaching one's potential, having some control in life, and forming meaningful relationships. Well-being is also associated with positive mental health.[2] Simply put, it is a construct used to describe many facets of life, including mental, physical, and social health. Synonyms are happiness, health, positive feelings, well-being, and well-being.[3]

It can also be defined as a state of balance or homeostasis. This balance is achieved by having enough resources to face life's challenges.[4] Both challenges and resources may be predominant in three areas: physical, psychological, and social.

With an abundance of challenges and insufficient resources, well-being is lost. However, humans are designed to work to achieve a state of balance. Well-being is linked to interpersonal, professional and personal success. This often leads to increased productivity at work, increased learning and creativity, prosocial behavior, and satisfying relationships.[5]

Why is it difficult to define well-being? Probably because it encompasses a variety of life experiences and emotional states that can vary from person to person. To help people assess themselves, several measures have been developed.

How is well-being measured?

Researchers must agree on a standardized definition of well-being in order to measure it accurately. Therefore, an adequate measure must cover all facets of well-being, both as an emotional state and as a lifestyle. In other words, effective measurement takes into account both life satisfaction and functioning.

Well-being can be divided into two categories: objective and subjective.

objective well-being

Objective well-being considers the standard of living. This is useful for research related to cultures, countries, or groups of people. It includes measurement of education, income, security, and life expectancy.[6]

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations Development Program and the Italian Statistical Office have identified six areas for objective welfare studies:


employment opportunities

socioeconomic development




subjective well-being

Subjective well-being includes an emotional and mental assessment of a person's life. Two prominent subjective measures are life satisfaction and happiness. Measurement of subjective well-being is useful for predicting patterns of mental health.[7] It is intrinsically determined by the individual. Regardless of how her life is perceived from the outside, this measures how the individual feels on the inside.

Subjective well-being can be divided into two categories: hedonism and satisfaction. The hedonic component is related to feelings, emotions and moods. The satisfaction component is related to thoughts and whether a person feels that their life is satisfying. People often measure their thinking and their fulfillment in life by their social and cultural background.

In other words, it is important to consider the context in which a person lives. People may perceive their lives differently based on social and cultural expectations. Furthermore, individuals cannot be measured without considering their environment.

In 2013, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development identified subjective well-being as an important factor in assessing well-being. Because it is perceived by the person, it is often assessed through self-report measures. In other words, people assess their own well-being through. read more. healthnutritionhints

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